The Green Life

The Green Life’s environmental leadership training and education program for formerly incarcerated adults aims to address the intersecting issues of environmental justice, poverty, public health, and restorative justice in the San Francisco Bay Area. Multiple environmental and public health studies have reported that the communities of East and West Oakland bear a disproportionate burden of environmental pollution, poverty, poor health outcomes, and mass incarceration compared to other communities within Alameda County. The Green Life’s program supports the leadership of those most directly impacted by environmental injustices by providing accessible training with a multi-disciplinary focus on environmental problems and solutions, incorporating the perspectives of environmental science, climate change, food systems, energy, public health, economic development, public policy, and environmental justice. It also includes a job readiness component that strengthens labor-market skills and provides detailed information on the green economy, green jobs, and career pathways.

Location: San Francisco Bay Area

graphic depicting hands, holding or creating a tree

Director: Angela Sevin
Address: c/o Earth Island Institute, 2150 Allston Way, Suite 460, Berkeley, CA 94704