Protecting America's wolves


Project Coyote and WildEarth Guardians filed a lawsuit in Montana State Court to halt the state’s extreme anti-wolf hunting and trapping policies. The lawsuit comes in the middle of Montana’s 2022/23 wolf rifle hunting season, with wolf trapping set to start on November 28. For this year, Montana’s wolf hunting and trapping regulations allow the killing of up to 456 wolves, which is at least 40 percent of the statewide wolf population. The regulations also allow the use of strangulation neck snares, bait, and nighttime hunting on private lands with spotlights, thermal imaging, and night vision. The complaint alleges the State of Montana, the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, and the Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission are in violation of the Montana Constitution, Montana Administrative Procedure Act (MAPA), Public Trust Doctrine, and several federal laws meant to protect wildlife on federally managed lands. 

Significant Developments

November 15, 2022: Case Update

Montana State Court grants in part plaintiffs' motion for a temporary restraining order to prevent acceleration of wolf kills.

October 27, 2022: Case Update

Project Coyote files lawsuit in Montana State Court challenging wolf hunting and trapping in Montana.


Project Coyote


Jessica Blome, Greenfire Law

Focus Area

Wildlife Protection